PDU'sSmall Footprint Designs

Custom designed PDUs to adapt to any requirements that you have

TES PDUs are fitted with multiple outputs designed to distribute electric power and will increase the manageability and efficiency of your operation.

Designed for your requirements Worldwide delivery Get your quote today

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    LV Switchgear Manufacturer
    LV Switchgear

    At TES we custom design our PDUs to be able to adapt to any requirements that you have.

    Features include:
    • Small Footprint designs for complex space constraints
    • Minimized downtime for loads during maintenance
    • Safeguard Incoming Supply utilising Rack Mounted Static Transfer Switches for minimal switching time (3P or 4P) and uninterrupted load.
    • Cable management with segregated distribution board section and outgoing cable terminal section
    • Wide range of Incoming Metering
    • Panel mounted controls, indications and alarm systems which are interlinked to BMS
    • Optional Metering of final circuits for added intelligence
    • Commando Plug and Sockets