How to request your personal data from TES under the Data Protection Act 1998.
TES Group’s obligations under the Data Protection Act 1998
The processing of personal data is governed by the Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA). TES Group (TES) is registered as a data controller under the act.
Access to personal information
You can find out if we hold any personal data about you by making a Subject Access Request (SAR) under the act. If we hold information about you we will:
- give you a description of it;
- tell you why we are holding it;
- tell you who it could be disclosed to;
- let you have a copy of the information in an understandable form.
We handle all personal data in a manner that respects the rights of individuals and which complies with the requirements of the DPA.
Should you wish to make a SAR about your personal data held by TES, please complete the SAR form, providing the following:
- Nature of your request Please make sure you provide details of where your personal data may be held to enable us to trace your records.
- Proof of identity At least two forms of identification are required. Acceptable forms of ID include photocopies of the photograph page of your passport or driving licence. Please also provide recent utility bills or bank statements as proof of address. Please note that utility bills should not be more than six months old.
The SAR form will help us answer your request correctly. Once you have completed the form, please print and post the completed form to the address below or email the form to datarequest@tesgroup.com.
Data Access and Compliance
TES Group
Kilcronagh Business Park
Co. Tyrone
BT80 9HJ
Accessing information on behalf of someone else
If you are requesting personal data on a person’s behalf you must satisfy all the requirements above plus include signed consent from the person who the data concerns. This includes requests from solicitors on behalf of a client.