Quality Driven : Customer Focused
Remote monitoring, control and diagnostic facilities for unmanned sites
Features include built-in analogue and digital I/O, on board GSM/GPRS modem, serial and IP communications, and IEC 61131-3 user applications, the TES telemetry system forms the essential link between your plant and a remote control centre.
Fits all of your needs
In addition to an on-board GSM/GPRS modem and socket modem, the serial and IP communication ports will allow interfacing with a wide variety of programmable logic controllers and external modems.
This makes our solutions ideal for those organisations who need to securely link remote plants with control centres across a number of geographical locations, such as the utilities industries.
For Large Sites
TES Telemetry systems can be used to monitor and control hundreds of datapoints using the I/O Platform, wiring solution and power management system.
For Small Sites
The onboard I/O is capable of directly controlling many small sites with limited plant equipment, for example a two pump pumping station or a booster station. The onboard GSM/GPRS modem or an external modem can be used to provide remote communications.