We are committed to adopting carbon saving practices
TES are wholly committed to adopting carbon saving practices and have a designated environmental team dedicated to adopting carbon management.
TES has in place a Carbon Zero Initiative. We are wholly committed to adopting carbon saving practices and have a designated environmental team dedicated to adopting carbon management. Our objective is for complete decarbonisation, attaining our Carbon Zero goal by 2040. TES efforts towards this goal have already seen a 50% C02 reduction in 4 years. The TES approach encompasses all aspects of the business, with C02 management undertaken by all department leaders.
Developing carbon data information
TES record, maintain and review carbon product data for our Co2 emissions, both operational & embedded. We are in the process of gathering carbon footprint data on components and materials to further enhance our efforts in this regard.
Our dedicated Environmental Management Team highlight Decarbonisation as a high priority issue throughout the organisation. TES are certain we can meet the requirements our target, having already established in-house processes to record, analyse and minimise C02 usage.
Set & Monitor target for carbon reduction
The TES long-term baseline is firmly set at Net Zero. This is what we strive for.
An incremental approach is taken with annual targets clearly stipulated to meet this.
Targets are clearly communicated throughout the organisation, so that our Zero-Carbon Culture is adopted by employees and supply partners alike. It is only with buy-in from all parties, that carbon reduction can be successfully achieved.
Supply Chain Carbon competence
TES rigorously assess our Subcontractors/Supply chain in terms of environmental and carbon matters. Only those attaining ISO14001 accreditation are permitted onto the TES Supply Chain. Supply Chain Certificates are audited annually.
Though the years TES has made efforts to minimise our carbon footprint by acquiring alternative and eco-friendly material, components and construction methods. Material selection is based on carbon footprint and whole-life cost.
TES are currently working to sustaining effective methods of measuring the carbon footprint of our Supply Chain. Whilst we are in the early stages, we are fully committed to educating our Supply chain, working together to reduce carbon.
Our future plan is to work mainly with Net Zero companies.