Contract Summary:
In an average year approximately 30% of water supplied in Essex is sourced from outside the area by transferring water from the Ely Ouse in Norfolk to Abberton and Hanningfield Reservoirs by means of watercourses, pipelines and pumping stations. To meet future water demands Essex and Suffolk Water undertook the Abberton Scheme to upgrade the supply capacity and network to Abberton Reservoir and increase reservoir capacity.
TES were the nominated M&E contractor for two of the associated contracts for the Scheme and were responsible for complete design, supply, installation and commissioning of all MEICA works including flow monitoring and control facilities, chlorination systems for mussel control, new raw water pumping station outfitting: raw water screening, pumped transfer and surge suppression systems and associated MCC, SCADA and Telemetry plant and systems.
Contract Details:
TES were the nominated MEICA contractor for Scheme Projects No. 3 (Pipelines) and No. 4 (Wormingford Pumping Station). The main Project MEICA works are summarised below:
Project No.3 Pipelines (Contract Value £300,000)
- At Kennet Green: Raw water coarse screen (145 Ml/d), sodium hypochlorite storage and dosing facilities (for mussel control) and potable water supply facilities (carrier and service water);
- At Wixoe Pumping Station: Flow monitoring and control facilities to River Stour(1000mm/1200mm pipelines) and Wixoe Pound Reservoir (300mm pipeline);
- At Abberton Reservoir: Flow monitoring and control facilities (1200mm pipeline from Abberton Break Tank to Abberton Reservoir)
Project No. 4 Wormingford Pumping Station (Contract Value £1.65m)
- Coarse Screens (duty/duty) and Fine Screens (duty/duty), each screen capacity 120 Ml/d;
- Raw water VSD transfer pumps x 4 duty each 30Ml/d: total pumping capacity 120Ml/d and surge suppression systems (2 x 24m3, 8.3bar vessels and surge compressor);
- Sodium hypochlorite storage (4m3 bulk tank) and dosing facilities (for mussel control), potable
- water supply facilities (carrier and service water) and safety shower/eye bath facilities;
- Lifting plant: Overhead crane (5 tonne), portable gantry (500kg), floor transporter unit (5 tonne);
- Heating and ventilation systems and building services for pumping station;
- Abberton Break Tank level monitoring and telemetry;
- Associated MCC, SCADA and Telemetry plant and systems for both Projects including hardwired cable communication links between sites and data transfer to Layer WTW (Abberton Reservoir).