“Safe Work and Safe Home” are integral to the TES Zero Harm strategy. Safety is king at TES, and our project at Ringsend WwTW is no different. As part of the FAcT3 Consortium (comprising Farrans Construction, Celtic Anglian Water and TES Group), a Site Safety Initiative has been launched and is proving to be a huge success.
The Site Safety Initiative was launched to encourage the site team to embrace work practices that deliver upon our Zero Harm goal. Two monthly rewards are presented, one for “H&S Role Model” and another for “Best Positive Safety Suggestion”. The €100 rewards have proved to be a real hit with the team and have undoubtedly impacted H&S performance in a positive way.
H&S management at Ringsend WwTW, Block 2 contract has proven to be very effective. Since commencing the contract on site in November 2021, there have been zero non-conformances to date. Client Audits, undertaken by Irish Water have not fallen below 99.3%.
Martin Sherry, FaCT3 Site Manager commented “The Safety Initiative has proven to be a great success. It has built morale, enforced teamwork and has really got the team focused on site safety. It is clear that staff wellbeing and safety is at the forefront of everyone’s actions.” Martin added, “some of the safety suggestions put forward by the team have been really innovative and we have implemented about 80% of these.”
TES H&S Manager John Crossan added, “Health & Safety is paramount. Nothing comes above the safety of the workforce and to get everyone actively engaged in that is extremely important. We are very proud of the effort our team puts into our safety initiatives.”